March 22, 2022

Focus on solid cosmetics : a real interesting solution?

While for many people, cosmetics are limited to liquid products, we are witnessing the emergence of alternative consumption habits, including solid cosmetics.

A growing phenomenon

In the shelves of your stores and maybe even in your bathroom, solid cosmetics proudly sit alongside traditional ones. 


Promoted as being more ecological, practical and just as effective, these solid shampoos, toothpastes or facial care seem to be a great alternative, but are they really?


We have decided to analyze this for you today in our zoom on this new trend.


First of all, solid cosmetics are defined as products with a unique formulation since they do not contain water, hence their solid form and high concentration of active ingredients.


Soaps, deodorants, shampoos or toothpastes, they can be found in all forms and differentiate themselves from classic products. But why adopt this new form of cosmetics?

The advantages of solids


Less effective, less practical or even less adapted, solid skincare products are victims of several prejudices even though they are an advantageous solution for the consumer. 


First of all, in terms of composition, solid products benefit from healthier and environmentally friendly formulas, without endocrine disruptors or preservatives. They are also water-free and have a much longer shelf life than conventional cosmetics. 


Indeed, conventional cosmetics are composed of more than 80% of water against only 20% of active part, while solid cosmetics can be proud of their 100% active composition.


This high concentration rate also favors a reduction of the carbon footprint generated by the transport of these products. 

A solid shampoo is equivalent to about 3 bottles of traditional product and, depending on the type of hair, can be used for up to 100 washes! 

Thanks to its compact size, a truck full of solid shampoos allows as many washes as 15 truckloads of liquid shampoos, which means it generates less traffic and have a reduced carbon footprint.


Moreover, the packaging of these products is often limited to a simple paper layer, completely biodegradable and recyclable. 


This is for example the case of the company Druydès, specialized in solid cosmetics in La Bretennière. Their eco-designed packaging is made of seeds that, once the product is finished, can be planted. This unique initiative earned its creators a PCD Innovation Award in the Packaging category. 


It is also possible to get a reusable and adapted container in the form of a metal box that can be refilled once the product is finished, avoiding the overconsumption of packaging.


In addition to being clean, convenient to use, economical in time and money, these products embody a viable and ecological solution in the long term. 

But what about their effectiveness ?

Solid cosmetics: effectiveness and precautions to take


As far as the effectiveness of these products is concerned, they are just as effective as classic cosmetics and, in opposition to the preconceived notions about cleansing products, they lather just as well.

However, it is still important to take into account several factors before buying. For example, although shampoos clean very effectively, they may not be suitable for all hair types. Some may not be gentle enough for dry hair or not very detangling for longer haircuts.

Solid deodorants, on the other hand, come close to the effectiveness of a classic organic product. Unlike most regular products, however, some of them would not prevent sweating. 

The most important thing is to be sure that these products are suitable for your needs. 

For example, it is recommended to use solid shampoos when you have short hair, as they are less rich in detangling agents.

As for the price, like most natural cosmetics, they are slightly more expensive than usual ones, depending on the brand, generally count 2 or 3 extra euros, so we advise you to plan a separate budget. 

Despite a very good composition, also beware of the allergic risk in case of regular contact with sensitive skin. There are different brands of solid cosmetics offering products that are adapted to dermatological particularities.

Finally, pay attention to the "fake solid cosmetics", with strong smell and bright colors, they are often more attractive than the traditional ones, but can be much less natural in terms of composition and less effective in terms of quality. 

Solid does not necessarily mean good, so it is important to be discerning and not to choose just any solid product. Consulting consumer reviews beforehand can be a great help.

Where can you buy solid cosmetic products ?

Several organic stores in France offer solid care products as well as some bulk grocery stores, such as "day by day", the first network of 100% bulk grocery stores. It is also possible to cut blocks of soap in quantity on demand directly in the store in order to buy only the right weight.

On the internet, many sites also have a wide offer of solid cosmetic products to select from a hundred of references. This is the case, for example, of Greenwez, Slow Cosmetics or La Vie est Green.

Finally, if you feel like it, you can make your own solid cosmetics directly at home. DIY (Do It Yourself) videos explain how to make your toothpaste with baking soda or your shampoo with clay. Kits containing recipes and all the necessary ingredients are available in stores and on the internet.

Thus, to consume differently while preserving the effectiveness, it is possible, and it is the bet that the cosmetic brands offering solid products give themselves. The future of this trend is promising and transcribes a real growing ecological conscience.

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