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Use cases

Rénovation d'un produit de la gamme lèvres

Clarins : Renovation of a lip product

Use Case
  • +1000 reviews collected and analyzed
  • +30 product claims and features analyzed
  • 6 e-commerce sites covered
  • 5 features identified to be renovated in priority
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Rénovation d'un produit de la gamme lèvres

Clarins : Response to the acceleration of competing products

Use Case
  • 325 reviews collected and analyzed
  • 31 product claims and features analyzed
  • 6 e-commerce sites covered
  • 4 features identified to be renovated in priority
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Rénovation d'un produit de la gamme lèvres

Nippon Shikizai : Optimization of cosmetic product development

Use Case
  • Evaluation of cosmetic product formulas
  • Launch of new products inspired by the best sellers
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Rénovation d'un produit de la gamme lèvres

Hair care and Face care : the products and services of the future

Use Case
  • +200k reviews collected and analyzed for hair care
  • +600k reviews collected and analyzed for skincare
  • 8 trends identified in terms of new services expected
  • TOP 10 brands and products for each category
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Rénovation d'un produit de la gamme lèvres

Soft Drinks : a market analysis

Use Case
  • +500k reviews collected
  • Increasing satisfaction with Taste and Aroma are drivers for the performance of Juices
  • Decreasing satisfaction with Composition, Aroma and Effects explains the Energy Drinks weak performance
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Analysis of negative smell perception for Skincare products
  • +10 000 reviews collected and analyzed
  • 1623 cosmetic brands
  • 387 products
  • Opinions analyzed according to the subjects raised and their tone
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Application cases

Product Launches
  • Analyze Consumer Perceptions: Assess existing products to gauge consumer expectations.

  • Identify Popular Products: Use insights from successful products to inform your own launches.

  • Evaluate Competitors: Understand the strengths and weaknesses of similar products.

  • Gather Objective Data: Collect factual information to support your product launch strategies.

Product Renovation
  • Collect Quantitative Data: Gather objective data to inform your product renovation efforts.

  • Evaluate Consumer Perception: Measure how consumers perceive each feature of your product.

  • Prioritize Improvements: Determine which areas need improvement based on consumer feedback.

  • Enhance Marketing Plans: Integrate objective data into your marketing strategies.

Response to Competitors' Products
  • Feature Comparison: Evaluate how your products stack up against competitors in terms of features and claims.

  • Identify Strengths and Weaknesses: Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of competing products.

  • Understand Competitor Consumers: Gain deeper insights into the consumer base of your competitors.

  • Determine Catalog Gaps: Identify unmet needs within your product catalog.

Understanding Consumers
  • Spot Promoters: Identify consumers who naturally recommend your product.

  • Analyze Product Strengths: Understand what attracts promoter profiles to your products.

  • Enhance Loyalty: Leverage these strengths to highlight your products and build customer loyalty.

  • Address Dissatisfaction: Identify and address sources of customer dissatisfaction effectively.

Communication Strategy
  • Consumer-Centric Approach: Rethink your communication to better align with your consumers.

  • Incorporate Consumer Quotes: Enrich your messaging with authentic consumer quotes.

  • Track Emerging Trends: Monitor and respond to hot topics as they arise.

  • Tailor Communication: Adapt your communication strategies to fit various consumer profiles.


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